
Introduction: Literacy is a multidimensional concept. It has implications for health decision making. Stroke is the first cause of death of the Portuguese. In Alentejo, the statistical are high. Campaigns of DGS, underline the need to increase literacy about this pathology. This suggests studies, where susceptible and / or vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, can be observed. Aim: To describe the knowledge about stroke of elderly who attend leisure associations in the city of Evora. Methods: Descriptive, quantiqualitative cross-sectional study. Participants are 35 people of both sexes. Sample age average is 72.11 years old (SD = 6.86). Ethical principles was followed. Study got positive opinion of the Ethics Commission of the University of Evora. Instruments: Mini-Mental Stateto identify cognitive skills and defined theinclusion /exclusion of potential participants. It was applied to Cincinnati PreHospital Stroke Scale - CPSS and performance algorithm of the Portuguese Stroke Society. Data analysis was performed by IBM SPSS 24.0. Results: the average years of school attendance was 5.97 (SD = 3,204). Stroke literacy has two dimensions: 1) “empowerment to act”, consisting of categories 1a) knowledge of stroke signs, 1b) action towards a victim, 1c) associated with health services as a source of information; dimension 2) “stroke signal recognition” is formed by 2a) knowledge of signs and 2b) recognition of changes in the upper limbs and speech. Conclusion: Although the participants recognized stroke signs, this knowledge needs clarification. In the social context studied, new strategies are needed to improve literacy. Programs for specific situations, such as stroke, can be an influential factor in the region. It is urgent that the population can act for rapid signaling and better health outcomes.

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