
The Pessegueirinho river is in a state of emergency due to the high environmental degradationindex provided by the population which makes sewer network links directly into the River.Coliform bacteria do not cause disease by dwell the human gut, but the presence of coliformbacteria in water of a river means that this river received fecal material. The identification ofcoliforms is done easily, since bacteria belonging to this group will ferment the lactose of culturemedium, producing gases that are observed in test tubes. The diseases can be minimized byadopting practices of sanitation as collection and treatment of domestic sewage treatment andwater supply. In the study, we can observe that the River has the quality of its waters completelycompromised, unfit for human or animal consumption, for swimming or for irrigation of fruit orvegetables, for presenting a concentration above the permitted. This way, the treatment anddisposal of sewage would be the most important measures to reverse this situation of risk topublic health. These measures, together with a program of health education, would aim theclarification and the changing habits of the local population.

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