
The WRF mesoscale system 4DVAR data assimilation technique have been used with the purpose of evaluating the impact of the meteorological data assimilation on the numeric time prognosis over the Rio Grande do Sul state. It has been done utilizing the surface and altitude data. The consistency analysis has been done evaluating the numerical prognosis exploring the differences between the analysis with and without data assimilation. The produced prognosis results have been compared spatially using the TRMM satellite data as well as the Canguçu radar reflectivity data. The accumulated rainfall has been validated and compared spatially with the TRMM data for the time period of 12 hours comprehended between October 29th and 30th of 2014. It was possible to realize that as well as the WRF, the WRFVAR overestimated the rainfall values. The radar reflectivity field without data assimilation for October 30th at 06:00UTC detected most accurately the reflectivity centers over the state. On the other hand this field with data assimilation did not present good skill. The temperature field analyses reveal that the 4DVAR assimilation system contributes, one way or another, presenting a little improvement for some points compared to the real data.

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