
This study aimed to evaluate consumer opinions and preferences in relation for different brands of yogurts and their packaging and the adaptat ion of their labels to the labeling norms. Were evaluated four commercial brands of strawberry flavored yogurt (A, B, C and D) and their respective packaging, produced by dairy product plants in the area of Lavras-MG. Held the acceptance test, which was carried out in two sessions (evaluation of the packaging and the yogurts) and focus group sessions. The compliance of the labels from those brands to resolutions RDC no. 259/2002, RDC no. 359/2003 and RDC no. 360/ 2003 were determinat ions made of protein, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium and sodium. The yogurt of brand D presented high acceptability, and the consumers liked its packaging as well as the product contained within it. The packaging and the yogur t of brand A was also well accepted by the consumers, but, as with yogurt brand D, presented irregularities in relation to the obligatory nutritional labeling norms. Most of the consumers l iked the packaging of the yogurt brands B and C, however they did not like products contained within. The B and C brand yogurt labels were, also, in non-compliance with the norms of obligatory nutritional labeling. According to the participants of the three focus group sessions, the brand, the expiration date and the price are the most relevant factors at the t ime of a yogurt purchase.

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