
Autonomous unmanned air vehicle ∞ight control systems require robust path generation to account for terrain obstructions, weather, and moving threats such as radar, jammers, and unfriendly aircraft. In this paper, we outline a feasible, hierarchal approach for real-time motion planning of small autonomous flxed-wing UAVs. The approach divides the trajectory generation into four tasks: waypoint path planning, dynamic trajectory smoothing, trajectory tracking, and low-level autopilot compensation. The waypoint path planner determines the vehicle’s route without regard for the dynamic constraints of the vehicle. This results in a signiflcant reduction in the path search space, enabling the generation of complicated paths that account for pop-up and dynamically moving threats. Kinematic constraints are satisfled using a trajectory smoother which has the same kinematic structure as the physical vehicle. The third step of the approach uses a novel tracking algorithm to generate a feasible state trajectory that can be followed by a standard autopilot. Monte-Carlo simulations were done to analyze the performance and feasibility of the approach and determine real-time computation requirements. A planar version of the algorithm has also been implemented and tested in a low-cost micro-controller. The paper describes a custom UAV built to test the algorithms.

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