
main areas of interest was the pilot workload involved in controlling such UCAVs during a The technology is now in prospect where semirepresentative mission. Factors associated with autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) can display symbology and interface issues were be contemplated for combat use. Such aircraft also of considered. From the outset, the could be made smaller and cheaper than their simulation exercise was not expected to answer manned counterparts, and need not observe the any specific questions, more to determine what constraints of the human body in terms of ride the questions are. quality and endurance, and g loading in either the positive or negative senses. These vehicles could The first stage has been to develop a baseline be considered expendable to a degree, so that they concept with the intention of developing the could be placed in hostile environments scenario further in the future. Hence, the initial unacceptable to manned aircraft. The study from exercise was not meant to be fully which this work is drawn, aims to look at the representative of the envisaged future SEAD systems requirements of this class of aircraft for air to ground and air to air missions. As a specific focus for the work, the Suppression of Enemy Air Defences . (SEAD) has been selected as being particularly suitable for application of UAV technologies.

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