
This paper presents the design and implementation of an autonomous robot navigation system for intelligent target collection in dynamic environments. A feature-based multi-stage fuzzy logic (MSFL) sensor fusion system is developed for target recognition, which is capable of mapping noisy sensor inputs into reliable decisions. The robot exploration and path planning are based on a grid map oriented reinforcement path learning system (GMRPL), which allows for long-term predictions and path adaptation via dynamic interactions with physical environments. In our implementation, the MSFL and GMRPL are integrated into a subsumption architecture for intelligent target-collecting applications. The subsumption architecture is a layered reactive agent structure that enables the robot to implement higher-layer functions including path learning and target recognition regardless of lower-layer functions such as obstacle detection and avoidance. Real-world application using a Khepera robot shows the robustness and flexibility of the developed system in dealing with robotic behavior such as target collecting in an ever-changing physical environment.

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