
In this work, I study the automorphisms of skew PBW extensions and skew quantum polynomials. I use Artamonov's works as reference for getting the principal results about automorphisms for generic skew PBW extensions and generic skew quantum polynomials. In general, if I have an endomorphism on a generic skew PBW extension and there are some x i , x j , x u such that the endomorphism is not zero on these elements and the principal coefficients are invertible, then endomorphisms act over x i as a i x i for some a i in the ring of coefficients. Of course, this is valid for quantum polynomial rings, with r = 0, as such Artamonov shows in his work. We use this result for giving some more general results for skew PBW extensions, using filtred-graded techniques. Finally, I use localization to characterize some class the endomorphisms and automorphisms for skew PBW extensions and skew quantum polynomials over Ore domains.

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