
High safety requirements are imposed on the operation of production facilities. One of the requirements is periodic diagnostics of equipment and structures. Technical diagnostics is the recognition of the state of a technical system, which includes a wide rangeof problems associated with obtaining and evaluating diagnostic information. Surveys provide extensive information about the diagnostic object, which allows us to conclude about the operability of the object, to make a decision about repairs or modernization.The article discusses the process of diagnostics, its shortcomings and methods of their elimination. A program for automating the process and processing the results of technical diagnostics is proposed. The implementation of the development is aimed at increasing the reliability of the data obtained, reducing labor costs, and improving the state of safety at production facilities. It is also assumed that when using the development, the number of industrial accidents that occurred due to human factor errors during technical diagnostics will be reduced.The program consists of four elements, which will allow them to be gradually implemented in production: a sensor-server commu-nication system, a database, an electronic technological scheme of the object, a computing module. The communication system will simplify the transmission of data from the control sites. The database will facilitate work with documentation for control objects. The information available on the electronic technological scheme will increase the speed of interaction of employees of various services during diagnostics. The calculation module will eliminate the human factor during calculations and accelerate the formation of control acts and the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise.The joint use of all elements of the program will facilitate and accelerate the work on technical diagnostics and simplify the work with documentation for research objects.

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