
This article describes the process of analysis, design, development and implementation of the modules of registration, validation and data collection on the RESSUDI Web Site for the development of the initial diagnosis of University Social Responsibility at the Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco. This technological development meets the need to implement actions and strategies in the integral formation of the University Community that transcend the Institution's interior and exterior, for which the Research Group (RG) UTJAL-CA-2 Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Integral Development for SMEs developed through its Innovative Lines of Applied Research and Technological Development (ILARTD) this implementation through the agile SCRUM methodology, derived from its periodicity characteristics and its high flexibility to changes. The data collection module includes different questionnaires for each of the actors that make up the University Community, such as academics, administrative staff and students, which will be later analyzed through the specialized statistical software SPSS for the development of an Intervention Program Institutional.

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