
The increased applications of technology in the field of architecture, especially digital technology and aspects of automation, have made a major impact on various aspects of local architecture, especially the traditional ones. As these technologies have succeeded in integrating many technological applications in many traditional and heritage buildings and taking them to more complex uses. And included in it characteristics that were not contained, therefore the research problem was concentrated in the absence of a holistic view of the role of the aspects of automation as a technological and design effect and its mutual effects on traditional buildings (especially the traditional Baghdadi houses), in terms of their foundations, indicators and use aspects, where the research aims to apply the characteristics of automation from Through the complementarity of its features, and an attempt to formulate new traditional local architectural text strategically rooted by the technology. This contributes to the advancement of the declining reality of selected models of Baghdadi houses and the attempt to elevate the architecture and use of them through the use of the effects of automation in them. Communication between the past, present and future towards creating a building with a new spirit.

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