
In daily operations related to farming or gardening, watering is the most important practice and intensive task. No matter whichever weather it is, either too hot and dry or too cloudy and wet, you want to be able to control the amount of water that reaches your plants. Our work demonstrates the efficient use of Internet of Things for the traditional agriculture. For implementation of automatic plant watering system, we have used combination of pipes and pump/motor. It shows the use of Arduino UNO, RTC and soil moisture sensor, monitored and controlled smart irrigation systems, which is also cost-effective and simple. Arduino microcontroller checks soil moisture level using soil sensor. By this people should know about how much water is present in the soil, if the moisture content is less than specified threshold which is predefined according to particular plant's water need then desired amount of water is supplied. To help out the need of watering the plant even in your absence for long span like 10-15 days, we also worked on timer based automatic watering system. It helps you to set the timings when you would wish to water the plant and leave the place without having any concern on your plants, because our work helps you in watering the plants in your absence at exact time that you want. We hope that through this prototype we all can enjoy having plants, without being worried about absent or forgetfulness of watering them.

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