
Plants need water to grow well, so watering must follow the plant's needs. Parameters that affect the process of watering plants are air temperature and soil moisture, thus, we need a control system that can make decisions in the form of watering time to meet plant water needs according to their needs, namely an automatic watering system. Fuzzy method can be used for human-like decision making in a control system. This study uses the Sugeno fuzzy method which is integrated into the Microcontroller as the controller. Testing of this system is carried out on eggplant plants which are regulated based on how long the watering time is so that the air temperature and soil moisture are following the plant's needs. The test resulted that the effective watering time interval so that the eggplant soil moisture was maintained at 40-60% was 21 seconds. It can be concluded that the fuzzy inference embedded in the design has been able to overcome the problem of watering eggplant plants, where the test shows that after the watering process, the soil moisture value can be maintained at an average value of 55% so that the soil moisture is following the needs of the plant.

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