
The security and management of transportation system becomes an important key in controlled place such as campus area. With an increased number of vehicles, there is a need for vehicle identification mechanism that is effective, affordable and efficient. This paper presents the development of automatic vehicle identification system using NP recognition in POLIMAS. Number Plate (NP) Recognition is an image processing technology in computer vision which captures the image of the vehicle and recognizes its NP. The system is installed at the main entrance to ensure that only the authorized vehicles can enter the campus area. Once the vehicle is detected by the input sensors, a system will capture the image of vehicle plate number. An image is then extracted and investigated character segmentation by using optical character recognition. The method used for detection of a plate number is by pre-processing of the image and using a combination of Sobel Edge Detection and Laplacian Edge Detection Techniques. Bounding Box technique is used to find the NP and character recognition. The accuracy of NP recognition has an average of 87%. The system is sustainable as the camera will only be switched on when a vehicle is present.

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