
This paper is focuses automatic control of industrial gas burner using PID controller strategy at air pressure loop in industrial gas burner. Combustion at industrial gas burner is achieved by mixing L.P.G. (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) with air. In industrial gas burner, L.P.G. is transmitted with fixed pressure from cylinder & regulator mechanism but air is transmitted after direct suction from surrounding. Therefore air pressure is varying as per surrounding condition of air pressure. This is resulting into improper mixing of air with L.P.G., due to that combustion get affected at industrial gas burner. To avoid such condition of improper combustion, it is necessary to mix constant air pressure with fixed pressure L.P.G. at industrial gas burner. This is achieving with implementing PID control strategy for air pressure loop in industrial gas burner. To implement PID control loop, we identify first order model of industrial gas burner — air pressure section. Then implement PID control strategy on obtained process model and analyze process characteristics. These characteristic analyses of control strategy on process help to identify and implement proper PID control mechanism. This PID control mechanism for air pressure loop in industrial gas burner is help to maintain constant pressure during combustion.

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