
Abstract The increase in natural gas consumption by the general public and industry development, in particular the petrochemical and chemical industries, has made increasing the world interest in using gas replacement for natural gas, both as mixtures of flammable gases and gas mixtures as LPG with air (SNG - Synthetic Natural Gas). Economic analysis in many cases prove that to ensure interchangeability of gas would cost less than the increase in pipeline capacity to deliver the same quantity of natural gas. In addition, SNG systems and installations, could be considered as investments to improve security and flexibility of gas supply. Known existing methods for determining the interchangeability of gases in gas gear based on Wobbe index, which determines the heat input and the burning rate tide, which in turn is related to flame stability. Exceeding the Wobbe index of a value increases the amount of carbon monoxide in the exhaust than the permissible concentration. Methods of determining the interchangeability of gases is characterized by a gas in relation to the above-described phenomena by means of quantitative indicators, or using diagrams interchangeability, where the gas is characterized by the position of a point in a coordinate system. The best known method for determining the interchangeability of gases is Delbourg method, in which the gas is characterized by the revised (expanded) Wobbe Index (Wr), the combustion potential, rate of soot formation (Ich) and the ratio of the formation of yellow ends (Ij). Universal way to determine the interchangeability of gas is also Weaver accounting method. It does not require determination of the reference gas. It is designed for utensils for household gas and gas pressure p = 1.25 kPa. The criteria and definition of gas interchangeability volatility in practice to the combustion in a gas gear. In the case of gas exchange in industrial furnaces, interchangeability criteria are usually not very useful because of other conditions of combustion and heat exchange. In industrial reheating furnace gas is combusted in a sealed combustion chambers. Air supply is regulated. The exhaust gases are discharged into canals and the chimney to the atmosphere. The temperature difference between load (fuel gas) and the flame is much less than in the case of gas household appliances. In the furnace heat exchange takes place mainly by radiation in 85% to 95%. The value of heat flux flowing from the gas to a heated charge is not proportional to the heat load burners. Interchangeability of gas is linked by adding to natural gas, a certain amount of gas that is a substitute for natural gas in meeting the criteria for substitution in order to ensure certainty of supply of natural gas to customers. Gases that can be used in the processes of blending and used as replacement gases are mainly a mixture of propane and propane - butane (LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas), landfill gas or biogas (LFG - Landfill Gas) and dimethyl ether (DME). One of the more well-known gas mixtures used in many countries around the world to compensate for peak demands is a mixture containing about 75% of natural gas and approximately 25% propane / air (LPG / air). Also in Poland is prepared to amend the provisions in this regard (at this moment - oxygen in the gas network can not exceed 0.2%). In this paper, the calculations of interchangeability of gas mixtures LFG - LPG and LPG - air (SNG) for natural gas was made. It was determined whether the analyzed mixtures have similar stable flame zones regardless of the quality of LFG fuel and whether they may in whole or in part replace CH4, without any modification of equipment suction air for combustion. The obtained results will determine whether the fuel can be used as a replacement for natural gas used in such household appliances and, possibly, industrial burners. In connection with the possibility of changes in the quality of LFG, depending on such factors as storage time, as pre-treatment, will be determined the degree of interchangeability of LFG as a fuel mixed with regard to its quality.

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