
In test generation based on model-checking, white-box test criteria are represented as trap conditions written in a temporal logic. A model checker is used to refute trap conditions with counter-examples. From a feasible counter-example test inputs are then generated. The major problems of applying this approach to engineering applications derive from the fact that engineering programs have an infinite state space and non-linear numerical computations. Our solution is to combine predicate abstraction (which reduces the state space) with a numerical decision procedure (which supports predicate abstraction by solving non-linear constraints) based on interval analysis. We have developed a prototype and applied it to MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision Coverage) test case generation. We have used the prototype on a number of C modules taken from a conflict detection and avoidance system and from a Boeing 737 autopilot simulator. The modules range from tens of lines up to thousands of lines in size. Our experience shows that although in theory the inclusion of a decision procedure for non-linear arithmetic may lead to non-terminating behavior and false positives (as abstraction-based model checking already does), our prototype is able to automatically produce feasible counterexamples with only a few exceptions. Furthermore, the process runs with acceptable execution times, without requiring any other knowledge of the specification, and without tampering with the original C programs.

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