
Automated detection and segmentation of nuclear and glandular structures is critical for classification and grading of prostate and breast cancer histopathology. In this paper, we present a methodology for automated detection and segmentation of structures of interest in digitized histopathology images. The scheme integrates image information from across three different scales: (1) low- level information based on pixel values, (2) high-level information based on relationships between pixels for object detection, and (3) domain-specific information based on relationships between histological structures. Low-level information is utilized by a Bayesian classifier to generate a likelihood that each pixel belongs to an object of interest. High-level information is extracted in two ways: (i) by a level-set algorithm, where a contour is evolved in the likelihood scenes generated by the Bayesian classifier to identify object boundaries, and (ii) by a template matching algorithm, where shape models are used to identify glands and nuclei from the low-level likelihood scenes. Structural constraints are imposed via domain- specific knowledge in order to verify whether the detected objects do indeed belong to structures of interest. In this paper we demonstrate the utility of our glandular and nuclear segmentation algorithm in accurate extraction of various morphological and nuclear features for automated grading of (a) prostate cancer, (b) breast cancer, and (c) distinguishing between cancerous and benign breast histology specimens. The efficacy of our segmentation algorithm is evaluated by comparing breast and prostate cancer grading and benign vs. cancer discrimination accuracies with corresponding accuracies obtained via manual detection and segmentation of glands and nuclei.

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