
The understanding of, and capability to modulate fuel autoignition behavior are important aspects towards the development of advanced, low temperature combustion (LTC) engine concepts, which have potential to significantly increase engine efficiency while at the same time addressing emissions concerns. Proper combustion phasing and control of heat release rates via, for instance, multiple injections and exhaust gas recirculation, are significant challenges that can vary with fuel composition. Overall reactivity, which is a strong function of the in-cylinder temperature and pressure, is a prime driver for regulating combustion timing, while preliminary exothermicity, in the form of low- and intermediate-temperature heat release (LTHR, ITHR) can inhibit, or facilitate operational success, e.g., control combustion phasing. There are still gaps in understanding these features and how they interact with needs of advanced combustion engines, and how practical fuels can be rated for the new challenges of LTC engines.This work utilizes a rapid compression machine (RCM) and gasoline compression ignition (GCI) engine to probe the autoignition behavior of a California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB) (RON = 86, MON = 81.4) under quasi- homogeneous charge compression ignition (qHCCI) operation. A wide range of thermodynamic conditions is explored (Tc = 700–1000 K, Pc = 15–90 bar) where ignition delay times and LTHR/ITHR are quantified. Both stoichiometric, dilute (11% O2) and lean (equivalence ratio (ϕ) = 0.23) fuel loading conditions are considered. The GCI engine is operated under fuel-lean conditions (ϕ = 0.23) using no external exhaust gas recirculation over a range of intake temperature (Tin = 30–70 °C), with the intake pressure adjusted (Pin = 1.2–1.3 bar) to achieve constant combustion phasing (CA50 = −4 °aTDC). Preliminary exothermicity is also quantified under these conditions.The stoichiometric, dilute RCM measurements reveal negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior for this fuel and indicate that rates and extents of LTHR and ITHR are both affected by the compressed conditions, with temperature imposing an inverse dependence, while increased pressure causes LTHR to increases, but ITHR to decrease. These are the first experimental quantifications of ITHR trends for a practical fuel under well-controlled, static conditions. When the lean RCM measurements are mapped to the in-cylinder conditions of the engine, it is found that under a constant combustion phasing scenario (as used in the engine), the fuel has little overall temperature sensitivity, while the starts of high temperature heat release (soHTHR) and top dead center (TDC) points seen along the engine compression trajectories correspond to isopleths of ignition delay times τRCM = 6 and 3 ms, respectively. In addition, the points of peak LTHR rate in the engine correspond to an isopleth of first-stage ignition τ1,RCM = 0.50–0.75 ms. Correlating the magnitudes of LTHR and ITHR measured in the RCM to the engine requires quantification of the preliminary exothermicity at the thermodynamic conditions of peat LTHR rate and soHTHR, respectively. The current measurements demonstrate how fundamental data from an RCM can be used to project expected trends in overall fuel reactivity to a qHCCI engine environment, and thus provide a possible avenue for characterizing fuels for LTC engines.

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