
System calibration and user training are essential for operating motor imagery based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. These steps are often unintuitive and tedious for the user, and do not necessarily lead to a satisfactory level of control. We present an Adaptive BCI framework that provides feedback after only minutes of autocalibration in a two-class BCI setup. During operation, the system recurrently reselects only one out of six predefined logarithmic bandpower features (10-13 and 16-24 Hz from Laplacian derivations over C3, Cz, and C4), specifically, the feature that exhibits maximum discriminability. The system then retrains a linear discriminant analysis classifier on all available data and updates the online paradigm with the new model. Every retraining step is preceded by an online outlier rejection. Operating the system requires no engineering knowledge other than connecting the user and starting the system. In a supporting study, ten out of twelve novice users reached a criterion level of above 70% accuracy in one to three sessions (10-80 min online time) of training, with a median accuracy of 80.2 ± 11.3% in the last session. We consider the presented system a positive first step towards fully autocalibrating motor imagery BCIs.

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