
Abstract: In most organizations, the ongoing vehicle entry registration process for visitors, staff, or students entering the organization includes a security guard checking the driver's identification card or looking for a membership sticker on the vehicle's windscreen, which can easily be lost or stolen. This writing process is tiresome and time-demanding, and it is prone to incorrect notes; additionally, backup and sharing of this vehicle information is difficult due to the data being a physical copy. The goal of the Automatic Authorized Vehicle Allowance System is to create a digital picture processing system with the Raspberry Pi that can be used in an entrance parking system. The Raspberry Pi will identify the car with an ultrasonic sensor and photograph it. The device then processes the picture using digital image processing techniques. The system incorporates various algorithms such as localization, normalization, orientation, segmentation, and optical character recognition (OCR), which examines picture characteristics and forecasts license plate numbers. The obtained number plate information is then cross-checked with records stored in a pre-existing database. An administration is in charge of designating a "whitelist," which is a list of vehicles that can join the suggested system. If the car registration is found in the database, a servo motor circuit connected to a Raspberry Pi will open the gate, and after a monitor delay, the gate will shut. The system is built in such a way that it is simple to apply in a short period of time and is cost-effective.

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