
AbstractIn this paper, the attendance management system is implemented for replacing the existing marking system, which is practiced manually. To achieve this, text recognition is used to scan the identity (ID) card and analyse it; furthermore, facial recognition is used based on demand. The ID card is scanned and by text recognition and verifies the student’s details with the database of registered students. Moreover, to avoid proxy in attendance, it also captures the image of the person handling and the image present in the database. For text recognition, the cloud services named Nanonets were adopted. For face recognition, the popular cloud services like Amazon web services (AWS) were adopted to create an application program interface (API) request. However, before sending this image to one of the cloud services for analysing and identifying the faces, initially, it uses open-source computer vision (OpenCV), a library of programming functions for image processing and to detect if a face is present in a given image database or not.KeywordsAttendance managementText recognitionFacial recognitionOpenCV

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