
Secure components and devices have always been and always will be a challenge for the electronics industry. In this sense, there is a constant and growing demand for new solutions that can allow reliability in the use and authenticity of components and devices. The end-user is not able to assess the existing risk, much less if the component or device is reliable in several aspects, mainly improper access to its information. This work presents a new integration of two technologies: Blockchains networks, which implement a kind of decentralized and inviolable database, which can increase resilience, security and guarantee against the alteration of the information registered in its structure; Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF), which allow the generation of a unique cryptographic key, since they use unique physical characteristics of each semiconductor component, considerably increasing security, the protection of industrial property and the opportunity for remote authentication of devices. The unprecedented contribution here is in the integration of existing technologies, in order to obtain an innovative solution of authentication and cyber security for the internet of things and other devices.

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