
Authentic assessment is a form of assessment that emphasizes the ability of learners to demonstrate the knowledge they have in a real and meaningful way. Authentic assessment can see the advantages and disadvantages of students who later the deficiency can be used as a goal of improvement, so that students can be more responsible for the learning process and achievement. This study will examine the authentic assessment process in learning the skills of writing literature poetry based on the concept of creative thinking in students at IHSANIYAH Tegal High School. The purpose of this study is (1) analyzing authentic assessments applied by educators in the learning of writing literature poetry based on the concept of creative thinking in students at Ihsaniyah Tegal High School, and (2) the effectiveness of the use of authentic assessment in the learning of literary writing skills poetry based on the concept of creative thinking in students at Ihsaniyah Tegal High School. The method used in this study is qualitative research method using descriptive analysis. The object of research in this study is the authentic assessment technique of Indonesian language teachers at Ihsaniyah Tegal High School in the learning of writing poetry literature. Data and data sources in the form of RPP and Rubric authentic assessment of learning literary skills poetry sourced from Indonesian teachers SMA Ihsaniyah Tegal. Data collection techniques through qualitative data techniques taken through documents. The results showed that authentic assessment applied by Indonesian teachers at SMA Ihsaniyah using three assessment techniques, namely attitude assessment, knowledge assessment and probility assessment. In addition, authentic assessment applied to the study of literature poetry in students of SMA Ihsaniyah Tegal is fairly effective and in accordance with the guidelines for assessment of learning on the syllabus, RPP, and manuals issued by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

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