
Nyabah, or Jabah (Pinanga arinasae J.R.Witono) is pinanga or palm which is endemic to Bali. This study aimed to determine the distribution, abundance patterns, and habitat preferences of P. arinasae, and also its natural microclimate on Mount Pengelengan, Bali, on which the species occurred. Field observations were conducted using systematic sampling method. 20 x 20 m plots were made along a transect of forest path on the right and the left, with 100 m distance between plots. Results showed P. arinasae distribution in Mount Pengelengan grows clumped with different abundance in each plot. Microclimate observations (light intensity, humidity relative, and air temperature) each plot varies the effect on the distribution and abundance of P. arinasae. Light intensity is the main factor that regulates the abundance and distribution of P. arinasae and this species has the most abundant on the limited canopy cover area which has high the light intensity at 1319 lux. Autecological data is the first step in conservation efforts.

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