
The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) is the preeminent journal of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA). ARAL is a peer reviewed journal that promotes scholarly discussion and contemporary understandings of language-related matters with a view to impacting on real-world problems and debates. The journal publishes empirical and theoretical research on language/s in educational, professional, institutional and community settings. ARAL welcomes national and international submissions presenting research related to any of the major sub-disciplines of Applied Linguistics as well as transdisciplinary studies. Areas of particular interest include but are not limited to: · Analysis of discourse and interaction· Assessment and evaluation· Bi/multilingualism and bi/multilingual education· Corpus linguistics· Cognitive linguistics· Language, culture and identity· Language maintenance and revitalization· Language planning and policy· Language teaching and learning, including specific languages and TESOL· Pragmatics· Research design and methodology· Second language acquisition· Sociolinguistics· Language and technology· Translating and interpreting There are three issues of ARAL per year including a special issue focusing on critical aspects and developments in the field. ARAL publishes its articles Online First.John Benjamins Publishing Company is the official publisher of the journal, as of Volume 39 (2016).

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