
Auriculostoma n. gen. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is proposed for Auriculostoma astyanace n. sp. from the intestine of the characid fish Astyanax fasciatus in the Atlantic coastal drainages of Nicaragua. The new genus differs from all papillose allocreadiid genera, except Bunoderella, in possessing 2 pairs of muscular oral papillae (instead of 1 or 3), of which the ventrolateral pair is moderately developed and the dorsolateral papillae are long and auricular. Auriculostoma differs from Bunoderella Schell, 1964, in having lateral vitelline follicles, completely separated or confluent only in the posttesticular region, a uterus limited to the pretesticular region or with a few eggs at the level of the testes, and a long cirrus sac that overlaps the acetabulum or usually reaches posteriorly to the ovarian level. Three other allocreadiid species, all from South American freshwater fishes and each of which had previously been placed in Crepidostomum, are transferred to Auriculostoma based on the presence of the diagnostic muscular oral papillae. These include Crepidostomum platense Szidat, 1954, C. macrorchis Szidat, 1954, and C. stenopteri Mañé-Garzón and Gascón, 1973. Diagnostic features for Auriculostoma also include mainly pretesticular uterus, lateral vitellaria with variation in posttesticular confluence, and tandem testes. The genus appears to be typically associated with neotropical siluriforms (catfishes) and characiforms (tetras).

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