
Reading skill is the main factor to succeed in learning activity. Reading skill can be improved through intense and continuous practice. To support learning, students must be accustomed to reading early in their life. However, this is not easy to achieve. A learning system is needed to motivate students to support their reading activity. This research is conducted to develop a learning system that can attract student's motivation to read. The use of learning tool was our main focus in developing the learning system offered in this research. We utilized augmented reality technology to attract student's interest and serious game technology to create challenges in the learning process. The result of the test which was directed toward teachers and students concluded that augmented reality technology developed in the form of serious game can increase student's motivation and assist teachers in controlling the learning process. In developing the learning system, we used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model approach. We assume that the phases in the ADDIE model is adaptive to the processes that we have done in this research. This research made a significant contribution of using the ADDIE model approach to develop a serious game in the education field. Based on our experience, the highly committed parties involved (researchers, teachers, and students) play the main role in supporting the success of ADDIE model approach in this research.

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