
Reading can be a way to increase students’ social interaction and writing, especially for those continuing to a higher level of education. More recent research shows that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a variety of reading profiles that differ across a range of reading sub-skills. Meanwhile, the school teaching system provides one-size-fits-all learning for students with different abilities. This study aimed to test the use of personalized learning model-based Augmented Reality (AR) in supporting the learning of early reading skills in aspects of reading words, syllables, and letters. Four students with ASD participated in various cross-behavioral investigations. Data was collected based on early reading skills in words, syllables, and letters using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) instrument, which had been adjusted according to the children’s abilities (three groups of children). Participants went through baseline-1 sessions, AR interventions, and baseline-2. The results show increased student learning outcomes in reading words and syllables. However, there was no significant increase in learning outcomes regarding recognizing letters.

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