
This article deals with the issue of implementing the capabilities of augmented reality in learning mobile applications, which is very topical for modern education. The aim of the article is to consider the application of augmented reality in the learning content of mobile applications. This article is devoted to the main aspects of the educational mobile technologies and practical application of the research results in the educational process of the general education institutions. The article deals with the application of the educational content of the mobile application module with the application of augmented reality on the example of teaching the subjects ―Informatics‖ and ―Digital literacy‖ in the secondary general education schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The basic definitions associated with educational mobile applications and augmented reality technologyare given, an analysis of the subject area is carried out. The international experience of applying this technology in the educational process is considered. The stages of studying the subjects ―Informatics‖ and ―Digital Literacy‖ using mobile technologies of educational direction, such as mobile applications for the organization of the learning process and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students are described. As a result of the experiment, the mobile application was practically realizedand the adapted author's program ―Application of mobile technologies at the lessons of informatics and digital literacy‖ was developed. The received results of application of mobile technologies in studying of a school course of computer science and digital literacy confirm the relevance of the carried out research.

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