
The authors give the typology of the audiovisual media in the universities of Russia. Also, the very process of producing is analyzed. The special educational and cognitive process of media producing are considered as elements of information, internal and external communications of the universities, developing the professional competences in the media specialties’ studying process. The authors describe the methodology of program’s producing in connection to educational standards, linking the all stages of this process with the formation of specific student competencies. Increased attention to the functioning of student media, especially audiovisual media in connection with the actively developing trend of visualization of media space, as well as interest in the methods of professional competence of future journalists, editors, PR-managers and marketers in various Russian universities, primarily due to the processes of intensive development in the 21st century technological revolution, the use of innovative technologies and the beginning of testing the functionality as artificial intelligence (Artificial intelligence, AI) in practice. The introduction of high technology requires rapid updating of educational methods and standards in the training of professional personnel in the field of journalism. This is also related to the current reform of science and education in Russia, which aims to actively involve future young specialists in the development of scientific research. The state program “Priority 2030”, which promotes the development of creative initiatives among young people, is also aimed at this. In this context, presented analysis of the functioning of student media at various Russian universities lifts the veil on how the knowledge, competencies, and professional experience of future media professionals are formed, and reveals the possibilities of expanding the national information space.

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