
Objectives: The study aimed at recognizing trends of political science professors at the Jordanian universities towards the activation of political participation and recognizing the impacts of variables: (social type, age, social status academic rank, monthly income, and the university).
 Methods: To meet study goals, a descriptive survey method was utilized, employing a questionnaire with two sections: one on demographic traits and the other on political science professors' perspectives regarding political participation activation in Jordanian universities. The sample included (83) professors—(59) male and (23) female—from various public and private universities.
 Results: These findings address the study's questions and validate its hypotheses. Key outcomes include: fostering trust between the populace and ruling elite, ensuring peaceful power succession through fair elections, guaranteeing public freedoms, and respecting human rights as major political trends. In terms of economics, notable trends include enhancing citizens' quality of life, safeguarding the national economy, creating job opportunities, and curbing unemployment. Social priorities involve protecting the family structure, promoting diverse opinions, and combating crime and drug proliferation. Cultural and educational highlights comprise elevating education standards, reducing nepotism, favoritism, and enhancing the role of educational institutions.
 Conclusions: The study submitted several recommendations aiming at activating political participation, the most important of which are: laying dialogue programs about activating political participation to grant space for alighting discussion to increase political awareness level for the significance of political participation and reviewing rules and legislations that hinder this participation.

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