
Microstrip patch antennas stand out because of their low cost, smaller size and easy fabrication. The study presents the design of a microstrip rectangular patch antenna operating at 2.6 GHz frequency and the effect of different weather conditions on the antenna. During the antenna design on CST program and manufacturing in the laboratory, it is aimed to perform the measurement at the desired frequency and decibel level. The study includes experiments and results made on different types of snow, apart from the normal measurement with the VNA. A good S11 scattering value was obtained at the desired frequency in the designed microstrip patch antenna as -18.48 dB. This value decreased to around -5 dB when there was wet snow on the antenna due to attenuation and thermal effects. If the snow was removed from the antenna, the old S11 value could not be returned because of the wetness left by the snow, and it remained at approximately -14 dB. Consequently, the attenuation of the electromagnetic waves have been confirmed by the literature under different conditions as wet snow with nano VNA for the first time. Attenuation by wet snow and water is greater than dry snow with voids.

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