
This study investigates the use of atrioventricular (AV) synchronization as an important diagnostic criterion for atrial fibrillation and flutter (AF) using one to twelve ECG leads. Heart rate, lead-specific AV conduction time, and P-/f-wave amplitude were evaluated by three representative ECG metrics (mean value, standard deviation), namely RR-interval (RRi-mean, RRi-std), PQ-interval (PQi-mean, PQI-std), and PQ-amplitude (PQa-mean, PQa-std), in 71,545 standard 12-lead ECG records from the six largest PhysioNet CinC Challenge 2021 databases. Two rhythm classes were considered (AF, non-AF), randomly assigning records into training (70%), validation (20%), and test (10%) datasets. In a grid search of 19, 55, and 83 dense neural network (DenseNet) architectures and five independent training runs, we optimized models for one-lead, six-lead (chest or limb), and twelve-lead input features. Lead-set performance and SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) input feature importance were evaluated on the test set. Optimal DenseNet architectures with the number of neurons in sequential [1st, 2nd, 3rd] hidden layers were assessed for sensitivity and specificity: DenseNet [16,16,0] with primary leads (I or II) had 87.9–88.3 and 90.5–91.5%; DenseNet [32,32,32] with six limb leads had 90.7 and 94.2%; DenseNet [32,32,4] with six chest leads had 92.1 and 93.2%; and DenseNet [128,8,8] with all 12 leads had 91.8 and 95.8%, indicating sensitivity and specificity values, respectively. Mean SHAP values on the entire test set highlighted the importance of RRi-mean (100%), RR-std (84%), and atrial synchronization (40–60%) for the PQa-mean (aVR, I), PQi-std (V2, aVF, II), and PQi-mean (aVL, aVR). Our focus on finding the strongest AV synchronization predictors of AF in 12-lead ECGs would lead to a comprehensive understanding of the decision-making process in advanced neural network classifiers. DenseNet self-learned to rely on a few ECG behavioral characteristics: first, characteristics usually associated with AF conduction such as rapid heart rate, enhanced heart rate variability, and large PQ-interval deviation in V2 and inferior leads (aVF, II); second, characteristics related to a typical P-wave pattern in sinus rhythm, which is best distinguished from AF by the earliest negative P-peak deflection of the right atrium in the lead (aVR) and late positive left atrial deflection in lateral leads (I, aVL). Our results on lead-selection and feature-selection practices for AF detection should be considered for one- to twelve-lead ECG signal processing settings, particularly those measuring heart rate, AV conduction times, and P-/f-wave amplitudes. Performances are limited to the AF diagnostic potential of these three metrics. SHAP value importance can be used in combination with a human expert’s ECG interpretation to change the focus from a broad observation of 12-lead ECG morphology to focusing on the few AV synchronization findings strongly predictive of AF or non-AF arrhythmias. Our results are representative of AV synchronization findings across a broad taxonomy of cardiac arrhythmias in large 12-lead ECG databases.

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