
The OH-initiated photo-oxidation of N-methylmethanimine, CH3N=CH2, was investigated in the 200 m3 EUPHORE atmospheric simulation chamber and in a 240 L stainless steel photochemical reactor employing time-resolved online FTIR and high-resolution PTR-ToF-MS instrumentation and in theoretical calculations based on quantum chemistry results and master equation modeling of the pivotal reaction steps. The quantum chemistry calculations forecast the OH reaction to primarily proceed via H-abstraction from the =CH2 group and π-system C-addition, whereas H-abstraction from the −CH3 group is a minor route and forecast that N-addition can be disregarded under atmospheric conditions. Theoretical studies of CH3N=CH2 photolysis and the CH3N=CH2 + O3 reaction show that these removal processes are too slow to be important in the troposphere. A detailed mechanism for OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of CH3N=CH2 was obtained as part of the theoretical study. The photo-oxidation experiments, obstructed in part by the CH3N=CH2 monomer–trimer equilibrium, surface reactions, and particle formation, find CH2=NCHO and CH3N=CHOH/CH2=NCH2OH as the major primary products in a ratio 18:82 ± 3 (3σ-limit). Alignment of the theoretical results to the experimental product distribution results in a rate coefficient, showing a minor pressure dependency under tropospheric conditions and that can be parametrized k(T) = 5.70 × 10–14 × (T/298 K)3.18 × exp(1245 K/T) cm3 molecule–1 s–1 with k298 = 3.7 × 10–12 cm3 molecule–1 s–1. The atmospheric fate of CH3N=CH2 is discussed, and it is concluded that, on a global scale, hydrolysis in the atmospheric aqueous phase to give CH3NH2 + CH2O will constitute a dominant loss process. N2O will not be formed in the atmospheric gas phase degradation, and there are no indications of nitrosamines and nitramines formed as primary products.

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