
After a critical summary of previous wavelength measurements and rotational line assignments of the Schumann–Runge absorption bands of O2, the results of the present study performed at high resolution with a 6.65 m vacuum spectrograph are given. These include (a) an atlas of the Schumann–Runge absorption bands of O2 at 300 K showing detailed rotational line assignments in the wavelength region 175–205 nm containing the bands (v′,0) with v′=0–21 and (v′,1) with v′=2–16; (b) tables of wave numbers measured for rotationally assigned principal branch lines belonging to the bands (v′,0) with v′=0–17 and (v′,1) with v′=2–17; (c) a table of measured wave numbers of lines in the region near the dissociation limit where many unassigned lines exist; (d) a table of wave numbers calculated for satellite and forbidden lines belonging to the bands (9,0)–(17,0) together with the few values obtained from our measurements; and (e) a table of term values for the upper state B 3Σ−u vibration–rotation levels with v′=9–17 calculated from measurements of the principal branch lines of the (9,0)–(17,0) bands and the known ground state term values.

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