
The folklore of each nation is an indicator of the history of the formation of its thinking and artistic thinking. If we look at the history of our oral literature, we see that our oldest examples date back to the archaic period of hundreds of thousands of years ago. Our folklore, which originated from mythological thought, has improved over time, formed as a product of new thought in different historical periods, passed down from generation to generation and has survived to the present day. The folklore of the Azerbaijani people is rich in genre and colorful in terms of its theme and content. Our oral literature, which is the heart of our people, has not lost its freshness, but is also valuable as a source of our national and spiritual values. Labor songs, counting words, holavars, bayats from lyrical genres; proverbs and parables, legends, myths, epics, etc. from the genres of the epic type. In the womb of genres, the spiritual values that our people have acquired throughout human history are embodied. Proverbs and parables in the most concise genres of oral folk literature are very valuable materials from the point of view of education. There are hundreds of proverbs for all aspects that form the basis of education (patriotism, love of work, collectivism, struggle, loyalty, respect for elders, passion for science, knowledge, etc.). Many proverbs and parables were created by hard working people. Therefore, they talk more about the hard work and poverty of the people in the past, and express deep hatred and protest against the ruling classes and the exploiters. Key words: proverbs, parables, epic type, oral literature, folk literature, spiritual heritage, wisdom, folk wisdom

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