SUMMARY: Rituals are often redundant sequences repeating important themes, e.g. a key mythological event, very much as a refrain. This mythological redundancy may, however, also consist in analogous, but narratively unconnected mythical events, e.g. killing a dragon – stabilizing the earth – civilizing the country. A good example of this transmythological redundancy is an ancient Egyptian festival of Khnum in Esna. All festivals are, with an expression borrowed from C.J Bleeker, ‘enactments of religious renewal.’ In the Esna festival three mythological motifs are juxtaposed and united to perform this renewal: the creative act of Shu, who lifted the sky from the earth, Khnum’s creation of all beings on his throwing table, and the mythological, exemplar birth of the royal child. When Khnum is eventually carried in procession outside the temple and the festival becomes public, there is a ritual sequence to ‘establish the potter’s wheel in the belly of all females.’ The universal (transmythologically expressed) idea of creation and renewal is thus given specific significance in human and animal reproduction, and the festival ends in informal celebration. Torches are kept burning till dawn. RESUMÉ: Ritualer indeholder ofte gentagelser af vigtige temaer, fx en mytologisk begivenhed, omtrent som et omkvæd i en sang. En sådan mytologisk redundans kan imidlertid også bestå i en kæde af analoge, men narrativt uforbundne mytiske begivenheder, fx dragedrab – stabilisering af jorden – civilisering af landet. Et godt eksempel på en sådan transmytologisk redundans er en gammel ægyptisk fest for Khnum i Esna. Alle fester er, med C.J. Bleekers udtryk, ‘enactments of religious renewal’. Ved festen i Esna sammenstilles tre mytologiske motiver for at gennemføre fornyelsen: Shus skabende handling, hvor han løftede himlen op fra jorden, Khnums skabelse af alle væsener på sin pottemagerskive og kongebarnets mytologiske, forbilledlige fødsel. Når Khnum til sidst bæres i procession uden for templet og festen bliver offentlig, optræder der en rituel sekvens der skal ‘anbringe pottemagerskiven i alle hun-væseners mave.’ Den universelle (transmytologisk udtrykte) skabelses- og fornyelsestanke gives altså sin specifikke betydning i menneskers og dyrs reproduktion, og festen munder ud i uformel festivitas i fakkelskær, lige til den lyse morgen. KEYWORDS: Ritual drama, transmythological redundancy, festivals, Esna
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