Formulation of an idea of asymptotic SU(3) and SU(2) symmetries which are compatible with the Gell-Mann-Okubo (GMO) and the SU(2) mass splittings (including mixings) is discussed. Consequences of the application of these asymptotic symmetries so far obtained are briefly reviewed. Combined with the use of suitable equal-time commutation relations involving the generators of these groups and also their time derivatives, these asymptotic symmetries require that there exist rather simple SU(3) and SU(2) inter-multiplet regularities among the mass spectra of hadrons. Broken SU (3) and SU(2) sum rules obtained by using asymptotic symmetries exhibit simple but sometimes very significant modifications of exact SU(3) and exact SU(2) sum rules through the appearance of the physical masses and the mixing parameters in the sum rules.
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