
This paper investigates possible asymmetric influences of the exchange rate on cross-border freight flows between the U.S.A. and Canada. Linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag models are used to test for the existence of long-run asymmetric effects of 1) currency appreciation and depreciation and 2) exchange rate volatility changes on trade flows by truck, rail, air, vessel, and pipeline. This paper provides evidence that both currency value and exchange rate volatility affect the U.S.–Canada freight flows in an asymmetric manner. The long-run results of the nonlinear models show that exchange rate is found to be significantly associated with the bilateral trade flows between the U.S.A. and Canada. Exchange rate volatility tends to be significantly associated with trade flows in the nonlinear models, while its effects are insignificant in most cases in the linear models. These findings suggest that the conventional linear specification may mislead the asymmetric effects of exchange rate uncertainty on cross-border freight flows. It is also found that exchange rate sensitivities of U.S.–Canada trade flows by transport mode can differ significantly from those of aggregate trade flows. The information derived from disaggregate trade data can be useful for traders and shippers to develop a long-term strategic plan for infrastructure investment and service expansion.

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