
We propose a new code named AstroPhi for simulation of the dynamics of astrophysical objects on hybrid supercomputers equipped with Intel Xenon Phi computation accelerators. The details of parallel implementation are described, as well as changes to the computational algorithm that facilitate efficient parallel implementation. A single Xeon Phi accelerator yielded 27-fold acceleration. The use of 32 Xeon Phi accelerators resulted in 94% parallel efficiency. Several collapse problems are simulated using the AstroPhi code. Program summaryProgram title: AstroPhiCatalogue identifier: AEUM_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEUM_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen’s University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 99604No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 305433Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: C++.Computer: MVS-10P - RSC Tornado, Xeon E5-2690 8C 2.900 GHz, Infiniband FDR, Intel Xeon Phi SE10X.Operating system: Linux.Has the code been vectorized or parallelized?: Parallelized on MPI + OpenMP for Intel MIC architecture, 32 Intel Xeon Phi (60 cores per 1 Intel Xeon Phi = 1920 cores of Intel Xeon Phi).RAM: 137438953472 bytes (128 GB) bytesClassification: 1.9.External routines: MPI, OpenMP for Intel Xeon Phi, FFTW 2.1.5Nature of problem:Complex numerical simulation of dynamics of astrophysical objects plays an important role due to significant growth of observational astronomic data. The new astrophysical models and codes need to be developed for detailed simulation of different physical effects in astrophysics with the use of modern supercomputers with hybrid architecture.Solution method:AstroPhi code consisting of particle-in-cell and Godunov methods combination adapted for hybrid supercomputer architecture.Restrictions:For this version maximum grid size is restricted to 10243.Running time:Typical running on MVS-10P is 24 h. The test provided only takes a few minutes.

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