
Herbs and horoscopes have played important roles in ancient human life. Vedic astrology describes nine grahas (planets), 12 rashis (zodiacs) and 27 nakshatras (stars/ constellations). It was believed that every person should plant and take care of the tree, animal or bird assigned to his/ her rashi/ nakshatra to please the ruling deity. The concept says that the position of these bodies at the time of birth or their movement in the celestial globe has influence on humans. Our ancestors established navagraha/ rashi/ nakshatra vatika or van near sacred places with representative plants to worship and ensure good health. Most of these representative plants are rare medicinal tree species, which emphasize our ancestors’ forevision to conserve these genetic resources ex situ to share its medicinal uses with the preceding generation. These tree species are rich in secondary metabolites such as antioxidants, alkaloids, saponins, flavanoids, terpenes, and tannins and are widely used in traditional treatment systems. It is proven that these plant species release more oxygen compared to other species and hence sitting near these trees generate positive energy. The phytochemistry and pharmacological significance of these species have been proven by scientific research by modern science. Therapeutic, industrial and cosmetic relevance of these trees are being exploited in various parts of the world. Conservation of these species in navagraha/ rashi/ nakshatra vatikas established in urban spaces can refresh the minds of city dwellers by ensuring greenery and enriching biodiversity.

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