
Despite the scientific and technological evolution, dental caries is still one of the leading health concerns throughout the world that affects population groups from all ages, especially school children. There are numerous etiological factors for dental caries, from which most are confirmed etiological factors, but still many remain to be researched to their full extend. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there is a significant inverse association between the intensity of dental caries and the bacterial strains of Lactobacillus. Lactobacilli were the first microorganisms to be linked and mentioned as causes of dental caries. Numerous authors have suggested that the number of lactobacilli in saliva is a better criterion than that of Streptococcus mutans, although it is considered to be closely correlated with caries. The randomly selected children from the primary schools in the city of Stip were observed for the realization of the goals. In our examination we included 71 examiners from both genders at the age of 12 years (permanent dentition) of which 31 examiners were with DMFT = 0 (control group) and 40 examiners were with DMFT (study group). We selected an age group of 12 years following WHO recommendations that recommends that age for global dental caries monitoring and applies only to children with permanent dentition. In the study we used the generally accepted index of the presence or absence of a Klein - Palmer index caries process, designated as DMFT. According to the clinical trial data, we determined the intensity (presence / absence) of dental caries (WHO, Geneve, 1997). Lactobacilli in saliva were determined by diagnostic test CRT-bacteria (Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenstein).Between the existence of Lactobacillus in the saliva and the existence of dental caries there is a significant correlation (p<0,01). The parameters which we included in the study can give a scientific contribution in the preparation of strategies for the individual assessment of the dental caries risk, from which the dentists can act on solving the problem with actions focused on the individual risk factors responsible for dental caries, while using methods which include assessment of the clinical criteria in the detection of the early phases of evolution of dental caries and designing protocols that can be used in dental caries preventive and interceptive measures based on the dental caries status which implies educative, chemical and minimally invasive procedures. We can conclude that most of the salivary parameters can be successfully used for caries screening and that they are the most appropriate means of providing good oral care that feeds thechildren to healty life.

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