
Background: Epistaxis is one of the most common otorhinolaryngologic emergencies in ear, nose,and throat clinics. Blood grouping is routinely done in patients with epistaxis.Objectives: To determine the association between ABO blood type and epistaxis.Methods: This retrospective study involved 260 patients with idiopathic epistaxis. Patients withrisk factors for bleeding, including anticoagulant use, thrombocytopenia, hypertension, liverdiseases, elevated bleeding time, low coagulation factor levels, or any benign/malignant tumor,were excluded from the study. Thus, only patients with idiopathic epistaxis were included in thisstudy.Results: The distributions of blood groups in patients with idiopathic epistaxis were(AB < B<A<O), with highly trending with male gender. Also, more frequent in age category 6 – 12y, 13 – 20 y, 1 – 5 y, 46 – 70 y, 21 – 45 y respectively, with no pervious history of nasal trauma(71.92%). Most of patients were no correlation with nasal disorders or deformity (73.84 %), alsovast majority of them need no intervention for epistaxis i.e., conservative treatment (81.15 %).Conclusions: Our study indicates that in the Syrian population, the O blood type is over-representedin patients with idiopathic epistaxis versus the general population. We conclude that blood type Ois a risk factor for idiopathic epistaxis in the Syrian population.

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