
Human society, analyzed as a learning environment, presumes different languages in order to know, to understand or to develop it. This statement results as a default application of cognitive domain in educational scientific research, and it highlights a key feature: each essential discovery was available for entire language compatible society. E-Society is constructed as an application of E-Science in social services, and it is going to reveal a learning system for each application of information technology developed for a compatible society. This article is proposed as a conceptual one focused on scientific research and interrelationship between building blocks of research, defined as an engine for any designed learning system applied in cognitive domain. In this approach, educational research become a learning system in e-Education. The purpose of this analysis is to configure teacher assisted learning system and to expose its main principles which could be integrated in standard assisted instruction applications, available in e-Classroom, supporting design of specific didactic activities.Keywords: Research Methodologies, Educational Research, E-Science, E-Education Infra- structure, E-ClassroomIntroductionT he analysis of this study is built on paradigm of triangle lexical, terminologi- cal and conceptual approach, presented as a three layers research methodology for an ed- ucational environment. A case study is start- ed for word 'society', which lexically, has a multiple common-sense meanings. The most abstract sense of it is concentrated in expressions such as the information socie- ty, the knowledge society or the learning society; in this case, perspective is cognitive domain and no limitations are in- cluded. These are different representations of same global community, and as another lexical exercise, globalization is used to de- scribe international community by us- ers of global information system and to explain international community by designers of same society. The three senses are reflecting first three stages of Bloom taxonomy: knowledge, compre- hension, and application. We use these three concepts as a building block for a learning system, and as a scaffold of pyramid of specific terms. Passing lexical level, we develop a terminological analyze, in a socio- logical approach, where [1] concludes that common-sensical meaning of 'society' have three features in common: first, each re- fers to networks of people relating to each other in some meaningful way, even if indi- rectly; second, there are criteria of member- ship, and therefore there is some sense of in- clusive - and therefore necessarily exclusive - boundedness; and third, each conveys a sense of ways of doing things in common, of characteristic patterns of behavior, of organi- zation. For an educational approach, this rep- resents two next stages of Bloom tax- onomy: analysis and synthetizing using network's terms of domain. These mean- ings of 'society' also suggest that there is widespread recognition that there is some- thing more for everyday life than embod- ied obviousness of individuals. The same au- thor considers that talking about how we can perceive collective more-than-the-sum- of-the-parts move discussion on epis- temology: how are we to know and under- stand human-made world? In educa- tional approach, at this level, we identify sixth stage of Bloom taxonomy: evalua- tion, in order to intend a scientific methodol- ogy for an educational research. Before an- swering that question, [1] considers that it is necessary to clarify relationship between ontology and epistemology.According to [2], there are several reasons for wanting to have a clear and transparent knowledge of ontological and epistemo- logical assumptions that underpin research: first, to understand interrelationship of key components of research, including methodology and methods; second, to avoid confusion when discussing theoretical de- bates and approaches to social phenomena; and third, to be able to recognize others', and defend our own, positions. …

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