
The dynamics of mobility and the subsequent use of private vehicles has experienced since 2008 declines in volumes in Bilbao Metropolitan Area, influenced by the crisis but also by other factors. This requires adaptation of infrastructure policies and management of sustainable mobility with this situation, more so in areas where the Administration has had to rescue toll infrastructures.The analysis presented in this paper shows a group of actions that search improving the sustainability of traffic from the point of view of the Authority in management experiences. The process proposed action seeks to improve traffic conditions in a metropolitan environment, based on some experience and unforeseen situations that have been resolved in the metropolitan area of Bilbao.The analysis has sought, first, measures to operate in the best possible way to pay for infrastructure deficit use to improve their financial viability, considering optimizing the use of existing road infrastructure in a Metropolitan AreaOn the other hand, proactive measures have been presented by the Directors anticipate that the solution of traffic within mobility policies, transport infrastructure and environmental management.Finally, methodologies and indicators that are usually required in this type of analysis to facilitate decision hierarchy that the most convenient decision in each case are shown.

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