
This study investigated the socioeconomic challenges facing Wapemba out-migrants in their new destinations and places of origin. Four wards at the place of origin and three streets in the destination areas were selected as the study area. Further, 74 respondents in the places of destination and 200 heads of households in the areas of origin were selected as a study sample. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research techniques for data collection and analyses. The findings show low income, unemployment, and high dependency as some of the economic challenges encountered by Wapemba migrants at both their places of origin and destination. In addition, the breaking of marriages, accommodation problems, and collapse of families were revealed to be the social challenges facing Wapemba migrants. Additionally, some measures which could facilitate the reduction of the socioeconomic challenges facing Wapemba migrants include joining the Vikoba and SACCOS to accumulate funds. Others were strictly focusing on the expansion of economic investments to employ their relatives and help those remaining behind in their places of origin. This research supplements an understanding of the socioeconomic demographic challenges facing Tanzanians in both rural areas and in the destinations

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