
Reservoirs and ponds belong to specific objects of water resources. Most reservoirs and ponds are of anthropogenic origin. They are of special importance for the Lviv region due to its terrestrial properties. In modern conditions, the importance of reservoirs and ponds is growing significantly. This is due to the fact that in many areas they form nuclei around which recreational complexes are formed. Reservoirs and ponds play an important role in the health and recreation of people. They are created by man to regulate runoff for commercial use of surface waters. The use of artificial reservoirs – reservoirs and ponds is carried out mainly depending on the water content and economic specialization of the regions. Therefore, it is very important to determine the quality of water in the ponds of Lviv region to establish ways of its further use. Recently, the problem of water enrichment with nutrients due to anthropogenic activity, which contributes to the growth of bioproducts of algae and other mass forms of aquatic organisms, has become especially acute. The article considers the rates of Lviv district of Krotoshyn village (№ 1, № 2) and Zhyrivka village (№ 3). The aim of the work was to determine the qualitative assessment of pond waters of Lviv region and the study of phytoplankton biomass and to determine the prospects for its use. The experimental part of the research was performed in the production laboratory at vul. Stryjska, 18a. The material for the research was water samples. The results of the analysis were compared with the list of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in water bodies in accordance with Order № 400 of 12.05.2010 on approval of State Sanitary Norms and Rules “Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption” DSanPiN 2.2. 4-171-10). According to research, the water in the pond in the village of Zhyrivka turned out to be very dirty. Dirty water was in pond № 2 in the village of Krotoshin and polluted in the same village in pond № 1. The water in the ponds in the village of Krotoshin was pure in color. The water in the pond in the village of Zhyrivka was polluted, green and yellow. The highest pH level with a value of 8.8 was in the water pond in the village of Zhirivka, although it should be noted that this figure was quite high in the other two studied ponds. The lowest concentration of oxygen was in the pond in the village of Zhyrivka, the phosphate content was normal only in the water of the pond № 1 in the village of Krotoshyn. The largest amount of phytoplankton biomass was found in the village of Zhyrivka (pond № 3), which indicates pollution and “blooming” of the reservoir. This biomass can be used directly as an effective organo-mineral fertilizer.


  • Assessment of the quality of pond waters of Lviv region and prospects for the use of phytoplankton biomass in these reservoirs

  • Reservoirs and ponds belong to specific objects of water resources

  • Most reservoirs and ponds are of anthropogenic origin

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Assessment of the quality of pond waters of Lviv region and prospects for the use of phytoplankton biomass in these reservoirs. Тому дуже важливим є визначення якості води у ставках Львівської області для встановлення шляхів її подальшого використання. Ключові слова: вода, ставки, біомаса фітопланктону, якісна оцінка, органолептичні показники води, використання біомаси. Ці водойми – водосховища та ставки, мають велике господарське значення, а також є важливими для водності території (Perkhach, 2018). Важливим є визначити якість води у ставках Львівської області для встановлення шляхів її подальшого використання та пошуку ефективних рішень щодо застосування біомаси фітопланктону цих водойм. Тому метою нашої роботи було визначення не лише якісної оцінки ставкових вод Львівщини, а саме двох ставків у селі Кротошин та одного – у селі Жирівка, а й дослідження біомаси фітопланктону та визначення перспектив її використання

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