
Modern conditions of official activity impose increased requirements for the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies. Shooting is the main form of conducting fire training classes and is aimed at the formation, maintenance and improvement of firearms skills by employees. Therefore, when considering issues related to the formation of motor skills, special attention is paid to improving the results of shooting, as well as maintaining and improving the skills of firearms possession by employees in the course of professional activity. In his research, the author noted the need to monitor the functional state of employees at the stage of vocational training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to mobilize psychophysiological resources in the event of stress in the formation of motor skills. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: methods of assessing the functional state (statistical indicators of the functional state of students with gender characteristics were demonstrated); methods of mathematical statistics.The main result of the study is the data on the functional state of students under stress factors in the process of mastering new material, including during training and control shooting. Thus, there is a need to take into account the conduct of classes based on the differentiation of the group by gender when forming the order of the shooting shift. Based on the individual typological features and functional indicators of listeners, with the development of motor skills, optimization of the employee's condition before firing in a stressful situation, which will reduce the influence of negative (internal) factors on the effectiveness of shooting and increase the efficiency of mastering motor skills.

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