
The term Self-esteem comes from a Greek word meaning ‘reverence for self.’ Self-esteem is the acceptance of ourselves for who and what we are at any given time in our lives. The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on enhancement of self esteem among physically challenged adolescents of selected institutions. With descriptive evaluatory approach, the investigator used one group pre test and post test research design for the study. 50 subjects were selected by non probabililty convenient sampling technique. The data was collected by Rosenberg’s self esteem standardized public domain scale. The tabulated ‘t’ value was 2.01 (df=49) which was less than the calculated ‘t’ value i.e. 10.56. Also the calculated ‘p’ value 0.018 was much less than the acceptable level of significance i.e. ‘p’= 0.05. Hence it was interpreted that statistically significant difference was found in pre test and post test level of self esteem among physically challenged adolescents of selected institutions after planned teaching. Hence the H0 i.e.there is no significant difference in the level of self esteem among physically challenged adolescents after planned teaching measured at p<0.05 level of significance is rejected and H1 is accepted that “there is a significant difference in the level of self esteem among physically challenged adolescents after planned teaching measured at p<0.05 level of significance”. There was significant association of level of self esteem with the subject’s educational status, type of family and presence of other disabled family member. There was no significant association of level of self esteem with sex, age, father’s educational status, mother’s educational status, monthly income of family, residential area, religion, disabled limb. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that planned teaching was effective in increasing the level of self esteem among physically challenged adolescents of selected institutions.

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